STEP for Adolescents and Adults

Table of Contents

Helpful Resources

Autism Speaks
American Psychological Association
American Counseling Association
National Association of Social Workers

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STEP for Adolescents and Adults

Island Therapy Solutions’ recognizes that learning doesn’t stop as we get older – the more we grow, the more opportunities and challenges we face. When learners enter adolescence, they suddenly have the ability to make choices for themselves, to plan for the future, and to build meaningful relationships with a variety of people and in a variety of settings.

The Strategic Transition Enrichment Program (STEP) was created to meet the needs of learners as they age. From the age of 13 onwards, learners at STEP will have access to hands-on skill building in the clinic, community, and with their families. Learners have access to curriculum that focuses on the ‘what comes next’ of growing up.

Adolescents and adults with autism who participate in STEP learn and practice the skills needed to be successful in their everyday lives. Our ABA-based program focuses on foundational skills like making choices, adapting to changes, and self-advocacy. While STEP does not assist with job placements, learners have the opportunity to participate in an internship with one of our community business partners.

Each learner has a program specifically tailored to their goals with input from both the learner and their family that is developed by a BCBA. Programs may be geared towards living independently, gaining new leisure skills, or employment through focus on learners’ communication, social, and behavioral skills. STEP does not have set times as each learners’ availability and approved hours varies. STEP learners’ ages range from 13-99. All levels and ages are welcome!

We are always looking for business partners who can offer unique experiences for our learners. Please get in touch if you would be interested in having an intern or supporting a field trip or activity.

ready for community-based services with local businesses. We actively partner with local business and non-profit agencies to expand the skills and experiences of our adult learners. Each opportunity is designed to provide a access to needed job or life skills.

How do I learn more about the STEP program?

Interested in learning more? We’d love to connect with you! Call 340-719-7007 and ask for about the STEP program.